Workforce + demographics

The City of Quinte West is located in the Bay of Quinte Region which is home to a strong workforce of over 100,000 people within a 45 minute commute. 

We are located in Eastern Ontario on the Bay of Quinte’s shores, 2 hours east of Toronto and 2.5 hours west of Ottawa along Highway 401.

To learn more about our community, visit the community profile produced annually by the City’s economic development and tourism division. 

Work in Quinte Program

The Municipalities of Quinte West, Belleville and Brighton, along with Quinte Economic Develpment Commission and the Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board have partnered to develop a new and exciting Work in Quinte program. This initiative includes a website where Quinte Region Employers have the ability to upload jobs, receive resumes and access a resume database. Job Seekers have the opportunity to view current job postings from all sectors and upload their resumes into the resume database for local employers to access directly. The website is live at

The project is funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

The Quinte Career Fair, held every spring and fall, brings job seekers together with local employers and training providers, offering job search, resume writing and skills upgrading. 

The City of Quinte West economic development and tourism services division is here to help you with all your business, investment and employment needs. Please contact us today. 

Linda Lisle | Manager of economic development + tourism services
City of Quinte West
613-392-2841 ext. 4477
[email protected]



It doesn’t matter if you’re visiting from another country or another province; you will find the City of Quinte West to be a welcoming place for all people, families, cultures and languages. 

With inclusion and diversity as part of our strategic plan for the community, Quinte West is committed to the successful settlement and inclusion of all.  The region boasts a whole host of support for the newcomer, including ESL classes, settlement services, employment support services, volunteer opportunities, networking events, worship options, recreational amenities, group activities and placement support. With various skilled and unskilled jobs available, starting a career and getting settled in this community is easy. Our affordability will allow you to build a life that provides the healthy balance you want for yourself and your family. 

The City of Quinte West is excited to be participating in the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program Pilot Project.

Quinte West represents the best that Canada has to offer – from rural landscapes to pristine waterfront properties and abundant parks and trail systems, Quinte West is beautiful – it’s not just our name, it’s who we are.   

Learn more about getting settled in Quinte West and the Bay of Quinte region and Quinte Immigration Services.

Physician recruitment

The Docs by the Bay Physician Recruitment and Retention Program was established as a joint partnership between the City of Quinte West, Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation and Municipality of Brighton. Its mandate is to identify, recruit and retain family physicians in Quinte West and Brighton. 

If you are a medical student or resident looking for an opportunity after you finish school or are an established family physician looking for a new place to call home, Quinte West may be just the right place for you to put down roots. 

For further information on starting your family practice in or relocating to Quinte West, contact Paula Mason, Physician Recruitment and Retention Coordinator at 613-392-2540, ext. 5771 or by emailing [email protected].

Learn more about the City of Quinte West by viewing our community profile.

Major employers in the City of Quinte West:

Largest industry groups (based on the 2016 census)

  • Public Administration – 3,590
  • Wholesale & Retail Trade – 3,070
  • Manufacturing – 2,790
  • Health Care – 2,365
  • Accommodation – 1,415


The numbers provided below are from Statistics Canada and represent the workforce in the City of Quinte West. 

  • As of 2021, the population of the City of Quinte West is 46,560 
  • The market (500-mile radius) is 50 million people.
  • Incorporated as the City of Quinte West in 1998
  • Regional Land Area of 495.45 square kilometres
  • As of 2021, the population density is 94 per square kilometre.
  • The labour force is 100,000 (within a 45-minute commute)

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Connect with the Economic Development Team

7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, ON K8V 5R6
Tel: 613-392-2841   •   [email protected]