Centennial Park

Located in the center of Trenton, the park is home to the Duncan McDonald Memorial Community Area, amphitheatre, splash pad, skate park, sports fields and diamonds, playground, and trails.

Centrally located in Trenton, Centennial Park is home to the Duncan McDonald Memorial Community arena, amphitheatre, splash pad, skate park, sports fields and diamond, and playground. There is also a paved waterfront trail that runs through the park and links to downtown Trenton. There are special events and seasonal activities in this park throughout the year, from fireworks to festivals. 

Park location, hours and directions

Centennial Park is open daily from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. It is located at 12 Couch Cres

Free vehicle parking is available throughout the park.

Amenities, attractions and rentals

Centennial Park is in Trenton, located on the Bay of Quinte and at the mouth of the Trent River. Many areas of the park are available for rent

There are accessible washrooms on the north side of the park, near the splash pad, open daily from May 1 to Thanksgiving Day. BBQs are not permitted in City Parks. 

Park Rules

To help ensure the safety and pleasure of all park users, the City of Quinte West request that you abide by the following rules and regulations:

  • All posted signs must be obeyed.
  • Motorized vehicles are prohibited except for designated areas.
  • Possession or use of alcohol is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the City.
  • Vandalism to City property will not be tolerated.
  • Metal detecting not permitted.
  • Animals or pets must be controlled.
  • A poop-and-scoop policy is enforced.
  • Hitting golf balls is prohibited.
  • No littering or dumping of garbage 
  • As per Provincial Legislation, smoking is prohibited within 20 metres surrounding playground equipment and playing fields owned and operated by the City of Quinte West. 

Failure to obey these regulations can result in a maximum fine of $5000. Please help us keep our parks safe. Report any damage or problems to 613-392-2841 or email [email protected].

Last Updated: 4 years ago

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