Sign applications

A sign permit is your legal authority to erect a sign. Most signs erected in Quinte West require a sign permit prior to erecting the sign.

When is a sign permit required:

A sign permit is your legal authority to erect a sign. Most signs erected in Quinte West require a sign permit prior to erecting the sign. Certain signs which are not larger than 0.5m2 (5.3 sq. ft.) do not require a sign permit. Signs erected without consent may be removed. If it is unclear if a sign permit is required, please contact the building department at 613-392-2841, ext. 4904 or emailing [email protected] for clarification prior to placing a sign on any property. 

  • Canopy signs
  • Banner signs
  • Ground signs
  • Pylon signs
  • Electronic message display signs
  • Fascia signs
  • Billboard signs
  • General advertising signs
  • Portable signs
  • Projecting signs
  • Development signs
  • Sandwich board signs
  • Drive-thru restaurant menu boards 
  • A home occupation sign smaller than 0.5m2 (5.3 sq. ft.)
  • No trespassing signs on private property smaller than 0.5m2 (5.3 sq. ft.)


You will need a completed sign permit application (PDF), two sets of plans will be required to make an application. 

Other documents/information that may be required:

Application process:

A complete application must be submitted with all the required forms, documents and applicable drawings.

Before submission, ensure that all necessary and applicable permissions and approvals are met.

Bring application and two copies of the required documentation to the Customer Service Counter located on the second floor of City Hall. We’re open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm., Monday to Friday.

We accept cash, debit, or cheque (payable to the City of Quinte West).

After speaking with a representative from the building services to determine permit and development costs, send the application and two copies of the required documentation and a cheque payable to the City of Quinte West to:

City of Quinte West
Building Services
7 Creswell Dr.
PO Box 490
Trenton, ON  K8V 5R6

Submit payment:

  • By mail – send a cheque payable to the City of Quinte West to:

City of Quinte West
Building Services 
7 Creswell Dr.
PO Box 490
Trenton, ON  K8V 5R6

Other Contacts:

Last Updated: 2 years ago

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