Snow removal

Learn more about how we keep roads, sidewalks and trails clear during winter and how to report uncleared areas.

Following Ontario’s Municipal Act, we begin clearing roads when snow or ice reaches the required level. 

Priorities and service times

Our staff work around the clock to clear the roads and to provide a safe community.

Report a plowing issue: 

Snow plowed onto your driveway from the road is called a windrow. It is your responsibility to clear the snow left by the plows on your driveway. We understand that it can be frustrating to remove this additional snow; however, the city prioritizes clearing the roads. To report unusually large windrows, email [email protected] or call 613-392-2841, ext. 4912.

If a city snowplow damaged your property, email us at [email protected] or call 613-392-2841 ext. 4912. Damage is documented and repaired in the spring. 

  • Give snowplows room on the roads.
  • Keep cars off the street.
  • Parking is prohibited on the city street at any time (day or night) when the city declares a snow event.
  • Clear snow from fire hydrants on your property and not on the road
  • Ensure that intake and exhaust vents for your furnace are clear of snow
  • Place garbage/recycling at the end of your shovelled driveway and away from the roadway.
  • Keep your children off the snowbanks near the road.

Snow events and street parking bans

To ensure snow clearing operations can be completed effectively and efficiently, winter and overnight parking restrictions are in effect from Dec. 1 of any year to March 31 the following year. Snowplow operators try to ensure that the city streets are plowed back to the curb, but obstructions such as parked cars make this impossible. To avoid receiving a parking ticket with a minimum fine of $75 and/or having your vehicle towed, please be aware of when parking restrictions are in effect.  From Dec. 1 through March 31, parking is prohibited on all city streets, roads, and municipal lots between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. 

Sidewalk clearing standards

We clear city-maintained sidewalks using standards set out in the Municipal Act, which generally require clearance within 48 hours of the end of a snow or ice storm. Areas with increased mobility needs are given priority after a snow event. 

Report an uncleared sidewalk 

If a city sidewalk is not cleared after 48 hours, email us at [email protected] or call 613-392-2841 ext. 4912 during business hours. 

Trail clearing

Trail clearance begins on recreational trails with a minimum of 5 cm of snow. Winter-maintained recreational trails service is usually completed 48 hours after the snow has stopped falling. The following trails are maintained during the winter:

  • Frankford Tourist Park trail
  • Forest Ridge Park path
  • Trent Port Marina Waterfront trail
  • Bain Park trail
  • Centennial Park trail
  • Elmwood Park path
  • Ontario Street trail
  • Farmers’ Market trail

Last Updated: 4 years ago

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