Site alteration permits are for projects that require the removal or dumping of large quantities of soil, rock, or other materials that would alter drainage conditions. The Public Works Department administers this permit process.
It is recommended that the applicant review the site alteration bylaw and consult with the appropriate municipal staff, local Conservation Authority and applicable regulatory agencies before completing a site alteration permit.
Under section 4 of the bylaw – Exceptions:
The provisions of this by-law do not apply to the extent that fills is placed on lands zoned for residential use within the meaning of the zoning bylaw for lawn dressing, landscaping, adding to flower beds or vegetable gardens, provided that:
(a) the elevation of the land within 0.6 metres of the property line is not changed;
(b) there is no change in the location, direction or elevation of any natural or artificial watercourse, open channel, Swale or ditch used to drain land;
(c) the functionality of any drainage infrastructure is not impeded; and
(d) the volume of such fill does not exceed 20 cubic metres.
No person may place or dump fill or cause or permit fill to be placed or dumped, and no person may alter the grade of any land or cause or permit the grade of any land to be altered in the City without a permit where the volume of the fill being placed or dumped or the volume of fill involved in the alteration exceeds 50 cubic metres.
Public Works services staff will review the application and, based on the proposed workspace and respond with a list of requirements to be addressed on a site control plan.
Completed application form with permit fee including:
- A description of the proposed works
- A description of the existing conditions and future uses of the site.
A site control plan drawing including:
- The existing and proposed grades of the property.
- The location and dimensions of all proposed land disturbance activities, including the construction of access roads.
- The location and dimensions of all temporary soil, dirt, or fill stockpiles.
- The existing and proposed use of the land and the location and use of the buildings and other structures adjacent to each lot.
- The location, dimensions, design details and design calculations of all construction site erosion control measures during construction and after required.
- An indication on the drawing of directions of overland water flow and overland flow route.
- The location and dimensions of any existing and proposed stormwater drainage systems and natural drainage patterns on and within a minimum of 30 metres beyond each lot boundary.
Standard conditions of approval include:
- Notification at least 24 hours before the commencement of any work on the site.
- The protection of the finished grade surface by sod, turf, seeding for grass or greenery, either singly or in combination, within two months from completion of the work or directed by the director of public works and environmental services.
- The applicant is responsible for preventing mud from being tracked off-site and cleaning the road of any accumulated debris at the end of each workday and immediately at the City staff’s request.
Site alteration permits are valid for 12 months from the approval date indicated on the permit. The permit may be extended within a two-month period from the expiry date by making a written application to the Director accompanied by a payment of 50% of the original permit fee, provided that the proposed work has not been revised.
Application requirements:
- Complete the site alteration permit.
- Submit an application fee of $1000 for a site that is less than 2.0 hectares and $3,500 for a site that is more than 2.0 hectares at the Customer Service Counter, located on the second floor of city hall using the reference number provided at the time of application submission. We accept cash, cheque or debit.
- Public Works services staff will review the application and, based on the scope of the proposed work, will respond with a list of requirements to be addressed on a control plan.
- Prepare and submit the control plan for review and approval by public works services.
- Upon approval of the control plan by the director, the applicant can proceed with the proposed works.
If you have questions about your application, contact us at [email protected] or call 613- 392-2841, ext. 4907.