Water billing + accounts

Open or make changes to a water account, sign up for online billing, request a water certificate, view bill payment options and find water and wastewater rates studies.

Water Rate Study

The Water and Wastewater Rate Study outlines proposed options to the City’s water and wastewater fees and provides the anticipated costs of providing municipal water and wastewater services in Quinte West over the next 10 years. On August, 14, 2024, Council will review the three service level options presented by city staff that aim to ensure rates are equitable for all 28,000 water and wastewater users in Quinte West.

Timing and next steps

The City has undertaken the 2021 Water and Wastewater Master Plan, the 2022 Asset Management Plan, and the 2024 Development Charge Background Study that all have impacts on the delivery of municipal water and sewer services in Quinte West. The Water and Wastewater Rate Study outlines proposed changes to the City’s water and wastewater fees in response to these impacts.

Account changes and fees:

To initiate a water/sewer account in the City of Quinte West, please complete the following application form. 

Please note that if your property is being occupied by a tenant who is responsible for the water/sewer bill, separate applications must be completed by both the owner and the tenant. 

Click here to sign up for a new account

Please email us at [email protected] or call us at 613-392-2841 ext. 4909 if you have questions or need assistance

*Fees apply for new account setup. See below for details. 

If you need to change your billing address, please complete the following application form. 

Please note that by completing this form, you are authorizing the municipality of Quinte West to change your mailing address on all active City accounts, including:

  • Tax Roll
  • Utility Accounts
  • Dog Licence

Any accounts which should not be included must be specified in the application form. 

Click here to change the address

If you are a property owner and have sold or rented your property, or are a tenant who is moving out of your current residence, please complete the following form to close your account

Click here to close an account

Water certificates provide information regarding outstanding balances on water accounts. They are often requested during the sale or purchase of a property. The cost is $27.50 per certificate.

Click here to request water certificate

Note that certificates do not include the account balance after the final meter read. Verbal water account confirmation of all certificates is provided for three months from the date of the issue. After that time, another certificate must be requested. To pre-pay for certificates, contact 613-392-2841 ext. 4909 or [email protected]

Service TypeFee
Change in occupancy (new account set up)$12
Water certificate$27.50
Statement of account$10

To add, remove, or modify ebilling options on your account please complete the following form.

Click here to complete the form.

Receiving your bill:

All accounts are billed on a 30 day cycle. Effective March 1, 2024 any new account where a customer has opted to receive a paper bill via Canada Post will be subject to a surcharge of $1.00 per bill.  Customers may switch to ebilling at any time by completing the Ebilling Signup form. Once the form has been completed and the account has been updated, the paper bill surcharge will be removed from the account.  Any customer switching from ebilling to paper billing on or after March 1, 2024 will be subject to a surcharge of $1.00 per bill.
Please note it is the customer’s responsibility to complete a new ebilling signup form if there is a change to the email address where the water/sewer bill is being sent. Customers using the eBilling service are subject to standard late fees if applicable. We also suggest adding [email protected] to your email’s safe list/contact list to ensure eBills are sent directly to your inbox.

Water billing FAQ

The City of Quinte West has implemented a change for water bills for all Quinte West residents from 60 days to 30 days. Find out answers to the most common questions below.

Customers registered for pre-authorized bill payments will continue to have bill payments automatically withdrawn on each monthly bill due date.

Following customer feedback and comparison with other municipalities, council decided to issue bills monthly and operate on a shorter billing cycle to leave less room for error. This will provide consistent billing cycles for all residents and aid with financial planning.

You will now receive a bill at the beginning of each month that will be due the last business day of the month you receive the bill.

Depending on your current billing cycle, your first 30-day water/wastewater bill will be issued in early February or early March 2024.

Base charges are charged per month per billable unit in accordance with the Quinte West Municipal Enterprise Consolidated Fee By-Law.

Any new account set up on or after March 1, 2024 will be given the option of receiving their bills via email or printed and mailed by Canada Post. If a customer chooses to receive their bill in paper format, a $1.00 charge will be added to each bill issue.  There is no charge for customers who have requested to receive their bill via email.

All bills will be due the last business day of the month in which the bill is issued.

If you have further questions, please contact [email protected] or call 613-392-2841 Ext: 4909.

Payment methods and collection:

For questions about your account, call us Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at 613-392-2841 ext. 4909. You can email us at any time at [email protected].

When paying online or by phone through your bank, we recommend paying at least three business days before the due date. Most banks can schedule payments ahead of time. 

The payee’s name can vary depending on the bank. The most common are “Quinte West Water,” “Quinte West Waterworks,” and “Quinte West Utilities.” 

Use your 9-digit or 11-digit water account number as the account number. Do not leave any spaces or decimal points between the numbers. Contact your bank for assistance. 

Using this plan, we automatically withdraw the amount of your water bill from your bank account on the due date indicated on the invoice.

Click here to fill out the online pre-authorization payment application form 

Click here to CANCEL your pre-authorized payment plan

Click here to MODIFY your pre-authorized payment plan

Submit completed forms and void cheque:

  • In-person at the counter located on the first floor at city hall
  • By email to [email protected]
  • By mail to:

City of Quinte West
7 Creswell Dr.
PO Box 490
Trenton, ON  K8V 5R6

To cancel a pre-authorized payment or change your banking information, please notify the City of Quinte West in writing to the address listed above a financial institution’s changes, branch, or account. If you are changing ownership or payment method and need to cancel these pre-authorized payment arrangements, you must notify within 21 days. 

Write your water account number on the cheque (payable to the City of Quinte West), and include the bottom portion of your invoice and send to:

City of Quinte West
7 Creswell Dr.
PO Box 490
Trenton, ON  K8V 5R6

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt. Do not send cash.

During business hours: visit the revenue services counter at city hall or the customer service counter at the Frankford municipal office. Cash, cheque and debit are accepted. Please bring your entire bill with you. 

After hours: drop off payment in the secure deposit box outside the city hall or the Frankford municipal office. Only cheques payable to the City of Quinte West are accepted. Please do not use cash. Other tips if paying by this method:

  • Write your account number on the back of the cheque.
  • Include the payment stub from your bill
  • Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like a receipt. 

Rates and service fees:

Quinte West Service Area (Residential / Commercial)2023 Fee2024 Fee
Water (per cubic metre)$1.34$1.37
Sewer / Wastewater (per cubic metre)$2.10$2.20
Water (per 100 cubic feet)$3.79$3.88
Sewer / Wastewater  (per 100 cubic feet)$5.66$6.23
Water Monthly Base Charge (Based on a ⅝” and ¾” meter)$25$25
Sewer / Wastewater Monthly Base Charge (Based on a ⅝” and ¾” meter)$38$39
Tenant Deposits (residential water only)$125$125
Tenant Deposits (residential water/sewer)$250$250


  • Deposits are charged on the first bill, and kept on file until the customer closes the account. Deposits are then applied to the final bill and, if applicable, the surplus is returned to the tenant without interest. 
  • Base charges for commercial accounts will be adjusted by the applicable monthly base change factor. These factors can be found in City Bylaw 17-133.
Young’s Cove / Prince Edward Estates (Residential)2023 Fee2024 Fee
Water (per cubic metre)$1.34 $1.37
Sewer / Wastewater (per cubic metre)$2.10$2.20
Water Monthly Base Charge (Based on a ⅝” and ¾” meter)$25$25
Sewer / Wastewater Monthly Base Charge (Based on a ⅝” and ¾” meter)$91$91
Tenant Deposits (residential water only)$125$125
Tenant Deposits (residential water/sewer)$ 250$ 250

*Note: Deposits are charged on the first bill, and kept on file until the customer closes the account. Deposits are then applied to the final bill and, if applicable, the surplus is returned to the tenant without interest.7

The City of Quinte West has three bulk water stations available for bulk haulers. bulk hauler / septage disposal customers must sign-up at the customer service desk, the second floor of city hall and obtain a key/card. The bulk water stations are located at: 

  • Trenton – 20 Chester Rd., Trenton ON
  • Frankford / Batawa – 65 Parry Dr., Batawa, ON
  • Bayside – 1 Aikins Rd., Quinte West ON
 2024 Fee

Key/Card Deposit (one-time fee)

Note: Deposits are charged on the first bill and refunded when the customer returns the key/card.

Bulk water monthly base charge$25
Bulk water (per cubic metre)$2.85
Bulk septage monthly base charge$39
Bulk septage disposal (cubic meter)$50

The City of Quinte West has two coin-operated bulk water stations available for residents. 

  • Trenton – 20 Chester Rd., Trenton ON
  • Frankford / Batawa – 65 Parry Dr., Batawa ON

Note that the dispensing units have one-inch camlock connections. A one-inch connection hose is required with a one-inch female camlock connector. Due to public health concerns, customers must provide their hose to obtain water from the coin-operated bulk water stations.

Dispensing Unites 

 2024 Fee

Bulk water (per 1000 litres) 

Note: minimum of $1.00 to start fill. Coin-operated stations accept toonies ($2), loonies ($1) and quarters ($0.25). 

$ 2.85 per 1000 LTR
 2024 Fee
Contractor’s residential flat rate (per month)$ 25
Water main tap and inspection fee for ¾” or 1” service $ 250
Water main tap and inspection fee for 1½” to 2” service  $ 250
Water main tap and inspection fee for 4” to 12” service $ 500
Inspection only$ 25

Supply and installation of a standard meter (⅝” or ¾”) 

*Note: Meter remains the property of the City

$ 250

Supply and installation of all other meters (cost to purchase by the City plus cost of installation)

*Note: Meter remains the property of the City

Reconnection after the cut-off for non-payment$ 20
Turn the water off/on for repairs (per trip)$ 30
Turn the water off/on for repairs (overtime rate within three hours)$ 100
Turn the water off/on to winterize (per trip)$ 30
Turn the water off/on to winterize (overtime rate)$ 100
Turn the water off/on for demolition No charge
Change frozen/broken water meter during regular hours (including new meter and account information change)$ 220
Change frozen/defective water meter during overtime hours (including new meter and account information change)$ 280
New account initiation (charged to the new customer)$ 12
Revert from tenant to existing ownerNo charge

For a full list of utility service fees, view the fees and charges bylaw.

Higher Than Normal Water Bill

The most common cause of higher than normal water bills is a leaking toilet. There are two ways to test to see if your toilet is leaking:

  1. Remove your toilet tank lid and drop a dye tab (available at City Hall or the Frankford Municipal Office) into the tank. Wait 15-30 minutes and look in the toilet bowl.  If any of the color has seeped in, you have a toilet leak.  If you do not have any dye tabs, you can use a few drops of food coloring instead.
  2. Remove your toilet tank lid and check the overflow tube. If water is flowing into the tube when the tank is full, you need to adjust the float.

Other common causes of leaks:

  • Leaking taps
  • Leaking irrigation systems
  • Leaking appliances (washing machine, ice maker)
  • Malfunctioning hot water tanks
  • Malfunctioning water softeners

Other causes of higher water usage include:

  • Filling or topping up swimming pools or hot tubs
  • Watering grass and/or gardens frequently
  • Running sprinklers
  • Watering new sod
  • Increase in number of people in the home (more laundry, toilet flushing)
  • Power washing
  • Washing vehicles

If you have found a leak and repaired it, you may be eligible for a one time adjustment to your bill. To determine eligibility and submit a request, please complete this form: Leak Adjustment Request Form

Read the Water/Wastewater Billing Leak Adjustment Policy

High water bill adjustment:

The high water bill adjustment policy provides financial relief to residential customers with an abnormally high water bill. These bills occur when a property has plumbing leaks in toilets, faucets and/or fixtures. Before we can make adjustments to the account, we recommend checking your inside meter to see if the dial is continually turning, as this will turn with a constant flow of water. You can also test for leaks using tablets that are available by picking them up from the revenue services counter located on the first floor of city hall or Frankford municipal office. 

If a leak is confirmed, eligible residents can have one adjustment to one bill per calendar year on a residential account. Modifications will be applied to one invoice only. 

In accordance with our water/sewer policy:

  • Unaccountably large variances in consumption are reviewed by municipal staff and may result in the meter being re-read and or a letter being sent to the customer advising of a possible leak/broken meter.
  • The municipality may allow for one adjustment to one bill per calendar year on a residential account for an eligible leak.
  • For adjustment requests to be considered, customers must submit the following before the bill’s due date is indicated.
    • Receipts for repair if applicable
    • A written request for adjustment
    • Any other documents requested by municipal staff.

For questions, call us Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 613-392-2841 ext. 4909. You can email us at any time at [email protected].

Last Updated: 3 weeks ago

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