
City staff conduct studies to produce research on important topics. Findings are presented to the public and the council for consideration.

City staff conduct studies to produce research on important topics. Findings are presented to the public and the council for consideration.

Learn more about the water quality and management of the Oak Lake report conducted in 2019 by Hutchinson Environmental Services Ltd. The report is a study on Oak Lake and provides several lake management recommendations that have been made and incorporated into a policy.

Download the Final Quality Report (PDF) from Hutchinson Environmental Services Ltd.

The City of Quinte West has identified the need for additional pressure and flow to support the water demands of future expansion in northwest Trenton. Currently, the primary transmission main to the northwest boundary of Trenton is a single 300mm watermain along Telephone Road.

A Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study has been completed to determine a preferred solution that provides improved water services to the northwest of Trenton. 

Learn more:

The City of Quinte West is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to identify, develop and implement a solution to address future capacity needs and existing sanitary sewer issues in the west end of Trenton. The West End Trunk Sanitary Sewer services a large area that is projected to experience substantial growth. This study is to ensure reliable sanitary service is provided to existing areas and future growth areas.

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The Wooler Road CNR/CPR Overpass is located in Murray ward within the City of Quinte West. The bridge crosses over both the Canadian National Railway (CNR) and the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) at approximately 2.3 km south of Highway 401 and 950 m north of Highway 2.

Learn more:

Last Updated: 1 year ago

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