Find locations of cemeteries, city-owned and private. Use the list below or browse our online map.
- Carrying Place Cemetery, 21796 Loyalist Pkwy., Carrying Place, (City-maintained and non-active cemetery), Caretaker Virginia LaTour 613-392-2841 ext. 4422
- Carrying Place Cemetery Annex, 21960 Loyalist Pkwy., Carrying Place, Caretaker Gerald Zwart at 613-967-4439
- Longwell Cemetery, Frankford Road, Caretaker TBD
- Mount Calvary Cemetery, Byrne Road Trenton, Caretaker Don O’Neil at 613-392-2361
- Mount Carmel Cemetery, Bigford Road Trenton (city-maintainted and non-active cemetery), Caretaker Virginia LaTour 613-392-2841 ext. 4422
- Mount Evergreen Cemetery, 61 Stockdale Rd., Trenton, Caretaker Virginia LaTour at 613-392-2841 ext. 4422
- Mount Zion Cemetery, Murray-Herrington Road Trenton (city-maintained and non-active cemetery), Caretaker Virginia LaTour at 613-392-2841 ext. 4422
- Old Stone Church Cemetery, 654 Vermilyea Rd., Foxboro, (non-active cemetery), Caretaker Virginia LaTour at 613-392-2841 ext. 4422.
- St. Georges Cemetery, 593 2nd Dug Hill Rd., Trenton, Caretaker St. Georges Church at 613-394-4244
- Stockdale Cemetery, Will Johnson Road, Caretaker Brenda Maybe at 613-398-6942
- Whites Cemetery, 498 Old Hwy 2, Bayside , Caretaker Al Dewitt at 613-771-9490
Pioneer cemeteries + genealogy
Cemeteries and their ties to churches make them an ideal starting point for anyone interested in tracing their family history or genealogical researchers. Quinte West has more than 20 marked and unmarked pioneer cemeteries.
Until the 20th century, churches were the primary record-keepers in rural places like Quinte West. The churches typically documented residents in Trent Port (Trenton), Frankford’s village, and Sidney and Murray’s Townships. When residents of any given parish died, the churches typically recorded the deceased’s burial grounds and lineage.
- The Quinte West Public Library houses the Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, which is a not-for-profit organization managed entirely by volunteers. The volunteers are highly knowledgeable and will happily assist with genealogical and heritage researchers. The Quinte Branch also maintains its share of a names database that contains more than 1 million names overall. These names are painstakingly recorded from church baptism records, cemetery transcriptions, genealogies, census records, and newspaper records.
For information, please contact the Quinte Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, at 613-394-3381 ext. 3328.