Strategic plan

Learn more about this strategic plan, which identifies top priorities for the city and how we’re working toward them.

Message from Quinte West Council 

One of the important building blocks of making a great City is good strategic planning. This is where, as a community, we pause and take a good look at where we are and where we want to be. This document will serve as a living, breathing plan for Quinte West’s future. This Strategic Plan has been developed through a comprehensive consultation process with staff and Council. It incorporates input from residents, businesses and other members of the community. We are confident this plan will serve our community, and we look forward to implementing it with you.


A healthy, vibrant community where generations grow and prosper.


To provide excellent municipal services and leadership, we work together to make Quinte West a great place to live, work and play.

Strategic priorities

Download the full strategic plan report (PDF) to learn more about our strategic priorities 

  • Healthy, Vibrant Community
    • Create a community that encourages healthy, active living for people of all ages and abilities
  • Infrastructure
    • Ensure that infrastructure assets meet the emerging needs of our growing community
  • Economic Prosperity
    • Create an environment that fosters prosperity for local businesses
  • Environmental Stewardship
    • Act as stewards of our natural environment through advocacy and proactive policies
  • Operational Excellence
    • Ensure operational excellence through open communication and exceptional customer service 

How we will implement the plan

The Strategic Plan 2020 and Beyond is a living document. The Plan will provide a framework for decision-making. It will be integrated into all City activities through the development of an annual corporate operational plan that will identify strategic initiatives aligned with the Plan.

Related documents:

Download the full Consultant’s Final Report (PDF) and Consultant’s Report Appendices (PDF).

Last Updated: 4 years ago

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