Bain Park

Bain Park is located just west of CFB 8 Wing Trenton, situated on the Bay of Quinte. Many areas of the park are available for rent.

Park location, hours and directions

Bain Park is open daily from dusk to dawn. It is located at 327 Dundas St. E, Trenton.  

Free vehicle parking is available throughout the park.

Amenities, attractions and rentals

Bain Park is located just west of CFB 8 Wing Trenton, situated on the Bay of Quinte. Many areas of the park are available for rent

General amenities and attractions include:

  • Walking trail and greenspace
  • Soccer fields
  • Baseball diamonds
  • Picnic shelter
  • Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial 

Enjoy the Bay of Quinte’s calming effects and the stunning view as you travel this scenic trail. For more information on this trail and other trails within Quinte West, visit our trails page. 

The Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial is a beautiful, permanent memorial honouring our Canadian soldiers – the men and women who have sacrificed their lives in Afghanistan’s conflict.

In a park-like setting on the beautiful Bay of Quinte and with 8 Wing/Canadian Forces Base Trenton – Canada’s largest Air Force base nearby, the Afghanistan Repatriation Memorial is a fitting tribute not far from where Canadian repatriation ceremonies occur and at the beginning of our fallen soldiers’ journey along the Highway of Heroes, from Trenton to Toronto. These motorcades saw thousands of Canadians on many of Highway 401’s overpasses paying tribute to those killed in action and their families, all the way to Toronto.

The entire site was designed to be reflective and contemplative and harmonize with its surroundings. Within the Memorial’s circular form, two granite benches provide seating for those who come to reflect and enjoy the peace and beauty of the memorial site and park.

Park rules

To help ensure the safety and pleasure of all park users, the City of Quinte West request that you abide by the following rules and regulations:

  • All posted signs must be obeyed.
  • Motorized vehicles are prohibited except for designated areas.
  • Possession or use of alcohol is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the City.
  • Vandalism to City property will not be tolerated.
  • Metal detecting not permitted.
  • Animals must be controlled.
  • A poop-and-scoop policy is enforced.
  • Hitting golf balls is prohibited.
  • No littering or dumping of garbage 
  • As per Provincial Legislation, smoking is prohibited within 20 metres surrounding playground equipment and playing fields owned and operated by the City of Quinte West. 

Failure to obey these regulations can result in a maximum fine of $5000. Please help us keep our parks safe. Report any damage or problems to 613-392-2841 or email [email protected].

Last Updated: 4 years ago

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