
Information about noxious weeds and invasive species. Find out what the city is doing to reduce its environmental impact.

Noxious weeds

To comply with our  yard maintenance bylaw, you must keep your yard free of four types of noxious weed:

  • Wild parsnip
  • Giant hogweed
  • Poison ivy
  • Ragweed

Be careful when removing these weeds. Visit the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs website for tips on identifying and getting rid of giant hogweed, poison ivy and ragweed. 

Residents planting invasive species in private gardens are increasing concerns, especially where they grow close to public green spaces. The Grow Me Instead Guide provides tips on growing species best suited to growing in our environment. 

Noxious weeds along city roadsides

Vegetation control along city of Quinte West roadsides is an important part of road maintenance and controlling the noxious and invasive weeds is an important objective of the City of Quinte West.

The public works and environmental services department has been proactively mapping out wild parsnip infestation levels along Quinte West roads. The identification of wild parsnip collected from staff has been used to identify the control areas for the integrated management strategy. The City of Quinte West intends to control wild parsnip in areas city-wide along rural roadsides. The integrated management strategy includes monitoring, mapping, the use of herbicide, mowing and evaluation.  

Residents with property adjacent to the areas being sprayed or landowners that do not want the road allowance (ditch) in front of their property to be sprayed can opt-out by submitting a request to the City and posting “NO SPRAYING” signs at the start and finish of their property. 

To request a No Spraying Request, please complete the following request form. Once a request has been submitted, residents and/or property owners must place a sign in the ditch at the start and finish of the property boundary, located approximately 3 feet from the edge of the gravel shoulder. The signs must be visible from the roadway. Please be advised that urban residential manicured lawns and areas within an IPZ zone are not sprayed. 

Signs must be 18” x 24” in size with white background and approximately 6” high black lettering. “NO SPRAYING” is the only information to be on the front of the sign.  Signs must be weather resistant, and the back of the sign should have a landowner’s name. 

Please note that the No Spraying request form must be completed and submitted before you post a sign in the designated area. 

Call our enforcement team at 613-392-2841 ext. 4912 during business hours or email [email protected] if you’re concerned about noxious weeds growing on a property in Quinte West.

Invasive species

Many Quinte West homeowners are currently experiencing infestations of LDD moths. Get more information about LDD moths and indicate the location of your gypsy moth infestation on our map

Annual events

Each year we help organize community events to improve the local environment. 

The city joins with other local organization and millions worldwide by participating in Earth Hour – a worldwide movement that encourages individuals, communities and businesses to turn off non-essential electric lights for one hour as a symbol of commitment to the planet. 

Visit the Earth hour website for details on the next event and participate. 

Quinte Trash Bash

Quinte Trash Bash is Saturday, April 22, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Quinte Trash Bash is a community-wide spring cleanup in Belleville, Prince Edward County, Quinte West and Tyendinaga Township. Help keep Quinte clean by picking up litter from roadsides, parks and sidewalks. 

Visit quintetrashbash.ca for more information. 

Community Cleanup

The Community Cleanup is Saturday, Oct. 21, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The cities of Belleville and Quinte West are teaming up to celebrate Waste Reduction Week with a community-wide fall cleanup. Learn more at quintewest.ca/CommunityCleanup.

Corporate conservation initiatives:

In August of 2013, the City of Quinte West entered into a Project to construct a Solar Farm on the Frankford Arena roof. This Solar Project was completed, and the City took ownership in January of 2014. 

The system installed is a 255.92KW DC system with distributed architecture using sixteen (16) Fronius 12kW inverters. Distributed architecture allows for multiple inverters rather than one sole inverter serving the entire project. The main benefit of this approach is that various inverters improve system stability and energy efficiency. The project LEAD was REAL-FLEX in partnership with Cleave Energy. 

The System Consists of: 

Solar PV Modules: 914 X Heliene 60M 280W Panels

Inverter Type: 16 X Frontius 12kW Inverters

Racking: HB Solar; North Roof – Vicerack

HB Solar: South Roof – Skyrack

Final DC Nameplate Capacity: 255,920 watt

Peak Output: 192 KwP

For more information on this project, email [email protected] or call 613-392-2841 ext 4415.

System Specifications

Capacity: 100 kW

Solar Panels:

Inverter: 4 x Schneider CL25000NA

Monitoring: SolarVu by Cachelan

Project Developer: Ainsworth

Sell Power: $0.548/kWh Ontario FIT rate.

Location: Quinte West, Ontario Canada

Installed: Oct 2015  

1 Year Expected Results:    

Carbon Reduction: 134 tonnes equates to 3,480 Trees Planted Or 905,346 Car Kilometers Travelled

Electricity Generated: 256.23 MWh Or 21,333 Average Ontario Homes for a year.

For more information on this project, email  [email protected] or call 613-392-2841 ext 4415

Last Updated: 1 year ago

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