Find current tax rates, look up taxes on residential properties, and apply for tax appeal, deferral and rebate programs.
Property taxes are calculated by multiplying your property’s value (assessed independently by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation by the tax rate. The rate changes each year based on the value of all the properties and how much funding local governments need to provide services.
Click here to download the 2024 tax rates (PDF)
2024 DBIA tax rate – 0.00433398
2023 DBIA tax rate – 0.00419173
Tax appeals, deferrals and rebates
Tax appeals
If you disagree with your assessment or classification, you can file a request for reconsideration, and MPAC will review your assessment free of charge. You also have the option to file an appeal with the Assessment Review Board (ARB). For more information, visit Deadlines for request for reconsideration are on your property assessment notice that you would receive from MPAC.
Low-income senior property tax credit
Seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement can apply for a property tax rebate of $675. For those who qualify, please complete the application form. Please remember to include documentation references in Section 6.
- Applicants must be 65 years of age or older by Dec. 31, 2023;
- Applicants must solely own this property as their principal residence;
- Application deadline: Aug. 31, 2024
Ontario disability support program (ODSP) tax credit
People who receive support through the Ontario Disability Support Program can apply for a property tax rebate of $675. Those who qualify must remember to include documentation referenced in Section 3.
- Applicant must solely own and occupy this property as their principal residence;
- Application deadline: Aug. 31, 2024
Application under section 357/358
A property owner may make an application under sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act for a refund of property taxes for the following reasons:
- Ceased to be liable to be taxed at the rate it is taxed
- Became exempt.
- Fire/Demolition
- Mobile unit removed.
The property tax refund application can be made for a period during the year or the entire year.
Complete the section 357/358 application here.
Please note that all applications for sickness or extreme poverty – 357(1)(d.1) have been delegated to the Assessment Review Board. Applications must be made through the Assessment Review Board and Information can be found at:
Applications must be filed by February 28 of the year after the year for which the application is being made.
Rebates for charitable organizations
To be eligible for a rebate, the organization must be a non-profit with a registration number issued by the CRA. Eligible property for the rebate must be classified as commercial or industrial as defined by the Municipal Act s.308(1). The deadline for submitting applications is Feb. 28 (Feb. 29 on a leap year) of the year following the taxation year to which the application relates. For a detailed list of requirements, please refer to Bylaw 07-53.
The tax rebate for charitable organizations application deadline has now passed.
Assessment information - Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for assessing all properties in Ontario. It operates under the authority of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Act. Every municipality in Ontario is a member of the Corporation. Its main responsibility is to calculate assessment values and classify properties according to their use. These values are also provided to municipalities on an annual assessment roll. The City and Province use these values when they calculate property taxes and education taxes.
For questions concerning assessments and property valuation, please contact the MPAC office at 1-866-296-6722 or click here if you have questions about your property assessment on one of the links below.