Fire Areas have been established and recognized that specific wards within the City of Quinte West, where open-air burning may be approved by permit under certain conditions. Open-air burning cannot create hazardous situations or undue environmental risks.
Area A – Includes all properties in Ward 1 (Trenton). Open-air burning is not permitted as per By-law 10-137.
Area B – Includes all properties in Ward 2 (Sidney). Open-air burning is permitted subject to the requirements of By-law 10-137.
Area C – Includes all properties in Ward 3 (Murray). Open-air burning is permitted subject to the requirements by By-law 10-137.
Area D – Includes all properties in Ward 4 (Frankford). Open-air burning is not permitted as per By-law 10-137.
A fire pit can be a maximum of three metres by three metres, and the material for the fire shall not, when burned, emit noxious or toxic smoke or glasses. The fire cannot be closer to any structure or building than 50 metres and 10 metres to any property line. A permit must be obtained before setting this type of fire.
Fuel-burning appliances may only be used in safe areas located at grade. Devices such as barbeques, hibachis, chimineas, and patio torches are unsafe to use on balconies, rooftops, or decks located above grade.
Specific small devices may be used outdoors in wards/areas of the city without prior authorization:
- Hibachis, chimineas and masonry barbecues provided the fuel and the chimney are covered by a protective grate. The only fuel permitted in these appliances is charcoal and briquettes. Wood chips can be used for flavouring food only.
- Liquid or gas-fuelled appliances.
Persons violating the Ontario Fire Code may be prosecuted under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. The conviction may result in a fine of up to $25,000 for individuals and $50,000 for a corporation. Also, persons who conduct or permit open air burning in contravention of this policy may be subject to full cost recovery measures, including the cost of fire department vehicles, equipment, and staff.
Regardless of the type of open-air fire you are having, always use caution and never leave the fire unattended.
Never use flammable liquids, such as gasoline, to start your fire. Remove all vegetation and other material that could spread the fire. Maintain close supervision of children and pets. Keep your fire on a non-combustible surface at least 50 metres from structures. Have an adequate supply of water available to extinguish or control the fire. Pay attention to wind conditions and potential spark hazards.
Obtaining authorization to have an open-air fire does not relieve an owner from the obligation to comply with the Environmental Protection Act of Ontario. While burning, you must ensure that smoke does not interfere with your neighbours’ ability to enjoy their properties or conduct their business without disruption. Watch where your smoke travels and do not burn when there is smog alerts, foggy conditions, or wind that will carry your smoke in a direction that will disrupt adjacent roadways or properties.
Questions or Concerns: If you have questions regarding open-air burning; if you wish to obtain authorization to conduct open-air burning; if you want to confirm which open-air burning zone your property is located in; or if you have a concern about open-air burning that is being conducted in contravention of this policy, please contact the fire department at 613-392-6557. Apply for a burn permit online below.