Property tax calculator

Enter an address in Quinte West and see how much property tax is charged and where those resources are allocated.

Use our online interactive municipal property tax calculator to gather your estimated property taxes. This tool is for residents of the City of Quinte West, potential new residents, and developers. The calculator allows you to input your property assessment and Ward and calculate your property tax.  The calculator has been updated to reflect the 2023 tax rates passed by city council for the City of Quinte West. 

To see a detailed breakdown of General and Area Levy expenditures by service type as well as a comparative analysis of individual property tax calculation for 2022 and 2023, simply select your ward and tax class and enter your 2022 assessment and your 2023 current value assessment. 

Please note that the calculator is a property tax calculator for demonstration purposes only and does not include any additional charges or credits that may be applicable to the subject property (i.e. local charges – street lighting). The tax rates used in the calculator are for the current taxation year. The tax rates are updated annually towards the end of May. Therefore, from January to the end of May, the calculator inquiries will be based on the previous years, tax rates. 

Any questions regarding your Current Value Assessment should be directed to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at 1-877-474-1224. If you do not know what the tax class is for your property, please contact the tax department at the City of Quinte West at 613-392-2841

If you are unsure of your roll number and would like to find out, search for your property using our property search map

Tax Class Information (2023)


Tax Class

Assessed Property Value

2024 Value Assessment


 Please do not use , or $

2023 Value Assessment

(Only needed for comparison)

 Please do not use , or $


Estimated Results



General Levy


Fire Services

Education Levy

Grand Total:

General Levy



Winter control

Road Maintenance

Crossing Guards

Pollution Control

Waste Management



Recreation Services

Homes for the Aged

Planning Services

General Government

Other External Agencies

Contribution to Capital

Fire Services

Police Services


Property Tax Calculator Disclaimer 

The calculator application uses the City of Quinte West Council approved local tax rate and tax rates established by the Province of Ontario for education purposes for 2021. The amounts shown on the calculator are estimates only. Final tax amounts are mailed out annually in early July and may vary from the amounts illustrated in this calculator. 

Due to various tax rates in Quinte West, the complexity of tax calculations, tax policy and provincial legislation, the calculator does not include the following:

  1. Local Improvement and associated administrative fees
  2. Special area related services
  3. Various tax rebate programs
  4. Any adjustments to taxes such as ARB’s, 357’s, Minutes of Settlements, Supplementary Taxes, etc. 

The City of Quinte West cannot be held responsible for any legal liability arising from the calculator’s use as it is an estimator only. For more information, please email [email protected].

Last Updated: 5 months ago

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