New homes + additions

Permits are required for new homes or additions. Additional planning or engineering approval may be needed.

Permits are required to build new home, additions and secondary dwelling units. You may need additional planning or engineering approval before a permit is issued.  


You need two complete sets of plans to scale, including relevant documents and information, and the following forms to make an application:


Who may design a new house or an addition to a house: 

  • An architect, professional engineer or qualified Building Code Identification Number (BCIN) designer is permitted to take responsibility for the design. 
  • The homeowner is permitted to prepare and take legal responsibility for the design of an addition to their home, provided they understand and are willing to take responsibility for the Ontario Building Code’s applicable requirements and are capable of preparing plans sufficient to communicate the intent of the building project and scope of work proposed to be undertaken.

Drawings you submit must include:

  • Up-to-date site plan/survey showing the location of addition, including dimensions to all property lines and other existing buildings and structures.
  • Footing and foundation plan.
  • Floor plans fully dimensioned with room names, framing information, structural information, door and window sizes and lintel sizes.
  • Location of plumbing fixtures.
  • Cross-section with all materials and dimensions noted.
  • All engineered framing elements (including trusses, floor systems, beams and lintel) must have engineering specifications on-site at the time of the framing inspection.
  • Exterior elevations showing heights, grades, exterior materials, opening sizes and roof slopes.
  • P. Eng stamped design, manufacturer’s technical information and torque calculations where helical piers are proposed.
  • Energy efficiency design summary (PDF)
  • The mechanical design, including the heat gain/heat loss calculations. 

If a new house is being built and the lot is not serviced by the city sanitary services or if an addition is proposed and the building is on an existing septic system, and you are adding bedrooms or additional plumbing fixtures, a new septic design or a septic review is required. More information can be found on our on-site sewage page.

Application process

A complete application must be submitted with all the required forms, documents and applicable drawings. Additional costs such as development charges and parkland fees will be calculated at the time of application and invoice at permit issue. 

Before submission, ensure that all necessary and applicable permissions and approvals are met. 

Bring the application and two copies of the required documentation to the customer service counter located on the second floor of city hall. We’re open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

We accept cash, debit, or cheque (payable to the City of Quinte West).

After speaking with a representative from building services to determine the permit and development costs, send the application and two copies of the required documentation and a cheque payable to the City of Quinte West to:

City of Quinte West
Building Services
7 Creswell Dr.
PO Box 490
Trenton, ON  K8V 5R6

Submit payment:

  • By mail – send a cheque (payable to the City of Quinte West) to:

City of Quinte West
Building Services 
7 Creswell Dr.
PO Box 490
Trenton, ON  K8V 5R6

Call 613-392-2841, ext. 4904 or email [email protected] to book an inspection. Inspections cannot be booked through your inspector. 

Provide the following information:

  • Address
  • Permit number
  • Contact information
  • Preferred date of inspection (minimum two business days notice) 
  • Preference of a.m. or p.m. (note that we may not be able to accommodate each requested time of day)

Please note that confirmation will not be provided unless requested.

Other Contacts:

Last Updated: 10 months ago

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