Committee of adjustment

Apply for a minor variance, severance, lot addition, rights-of-way or easement through the Committee of adjustment application process.

The Ontario Planning Act grants authority for a committee of adjustment to consider requests for consents (including new lot creation and technical consents for lot additions, rights-of-way (ROW), easements and long-term leases) as well as minor variances. 

  • Submit a rough sketch or description of the proposal to [email protected] for pre-consultation review and receive comments back from staff
  • Obtain a surveyor’s sketch of the proposal from an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS)
  • Submit public works clearance application to the committee of adjustment coordinator with the applicable fee and receive approval from the public works department
  • Schedule appointment to complete and submit consent application form and fees and have signatures commissioned with the committee of adjustment coordinator
Minor variances:
  1. Submit a rough sketch or description of the proposal to [email protected] for pre-consultation review and receive comments back from staff
  2. Obtain a surveyor’s sketch of the proposal from an Ontario Land Surveyor (OLS)
  3. Schedule an appointment to complete and submit the minor variance application form, pay fees and have signatures commissioned with the committee of adjustment coordinator

The public has the right to comment on proposed consent and minor variance applications. Once an application has been deemed complete and has been scheduled for the legislated public meeting, public notification occurs as follows:

  • Notice of application sent via prepaid first class mail to properties within 60m of the lands subject to a consent application or a minor variance application
  • Posting of a sign along the frontage of the subject lands


See below for current City of Quinte West application fees. All fees must accompany applications at the time they are submitted. Planning applications that are deemed to be fully complete will be scheduled for the next available meeting within the timelines set out in the Ontario Planning Act. Dates are subject to change.

Application typeFees

Consent application – Regular consent

(To sever land to create a new lot. Includes conservation authority and public works review fees as well as a certificate of official fees.)

*Other fees may be applicable.

$ 2,584

Consent application – Technical consent

(Lot additions, R.O.W., easement, long term lease, foreclosure and exercise power of sale, mortgage and partial discharge of mortgage).

*Other fees may be applicable. 

$ 1,590
Application to amend conditions of consent$ 350

Re-application for lapsed consent 

(For lapsed consent within one year from lapsing date)

$ 790
Application for validation of title$ 790
Application for minor variance$ 1,070

Application for minor variance 

(for waterfront properties and properties with environmental issues). 

*Other fees may be applicable 

$ 1,217

Note: Planning applications that are deemed fully complete will be scheduled for the next available meeting within the timelines set out in the Ontario Planning Act. Dates are subject to change.

Meetings + minutes

Click here to learn more about upcoming meeting dates and to see the minutes of previous meetings. 


If you wish to appeal a decision of the City of Quinte West committee of adjustment to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), download the appeal forms from the OLT website .

For additional information or to make an application to the committee of adjustment, call 613-392-2841, ext. 4462 or email [email protected].

Last Updated: 2 days ago

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