Corporate structure

Find out more about the organization’s mission, vision and values, corporate leadership and staff structure.

We’re a dedicated team who apply leadership, skill and integrity in providing needed and valued services that help build the best quality of life possible for all of our citizens. Visit our corporate directory for contact information. 

Corporate Mission

To provide excellent municipal services and leadership, we work together to make Quinte West a great place to live, work and play.

Corporate Vision

A healthy, vibrant community where generations grow and prosper.

Staff structure

The chief administrative officer (CAO) oversees all departments and advises the city council. Each department is lead by a director, who oversees several divisions.

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

The CAO holds the senior position within the city’s administrative structure. As the administrative lead of the municipality, the CAO performs the duties and functions and exercises the powers assigned by the Municipal Act and other enactments, as well as those assigned by council. This position leads the corporate management team and is the key advisor to council and informs council on the operation and affairs of the municipality. Leading a talented team of staff, this position guides and inspires a dedicated workforce in their efficient delivery of municipal services to the city’s residents and businesses. The CAO is a visible partner in the community and workplace and a champion of community engagement, development and sustainability.  

  • Coordinating all city departments to ensure the efficient implementation of city council policies and directives.
  • Preparing and implementing the City’s corporate strategic plan.
  • Investing, researching, and preparing, either directly or through delegation, information for the development of council policies.
  • Providing advice and recommendation to council on issues that affect the municipality. 
  • Providing administrative leadership to and from the City.
  • Ensuring the development and administration of personnel policies, including the implementation of statutory rules and regulation in the areas of pay equity and municipal freedom of information.
  • Ensuring the effective and efficient training of city staff.
  • Recruiting high-quality staff in accordance with the human resources policies of the City. 

Community Services + Strategic Partnerships

The Community Services and Strategic Partnerships department is responsible for developing and implementing economic development, tourism and communication strategies for the City, as well as the management of all municipally-owned facilities. This department is actively involved in developing and maintaining numerous strategic partnerships with various groups and organizations.

The Buildings and Facilities division maintains all municipally-owned facilities, including Quinte West City Hall, the Frankford Municipal Office, Trent Port Marina, the Quinte West OPP detachment and the City’s two arenas. This division also oversees the City’s team of crossing guards. 

The Communications, Community Engagement and Events (CCEE) team is a division of the Community Services and Strategic Partnerships department. CCEE staff deliver internal and external services including:

  • Communicating corporate information to staff and the community;
  • Managing and maintaining the City’s website, corporate social media channels, marketing, newsletters, and signage;
  • Strategically engaging residents and community stakeholders in City projects, initiatives and feedback opportunities;
  • Planning City-led community events and programming, and
  • Permitting third-party events on City property and administering the City’s community event approval process.

This division is responsible for fostering economic growth and vitality by promoting the community as a welcoming place for businesses, residents and tourists. This team works with municipal partners to encourage business attraction, development and retention, and to attract visitors to Quinte West through the promotion and development of tourism experiences.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services department carries out the statutory duties for the City Clerk’s Office, is responsible for the telecommunications and information technology needs of the municipality, and manages the City’s human resources. 

The Legislative Services division is responsible for records and information management, accessibility, licensing, vital statistics, cemeteries and Clerk’s Office services.

The IT division is responsible for the corporate and departmental technologies within an integrated and secured IT infrastructure that provides dependable services to the citizens of Quinte West and City staff. Technology, as delivered via IT services, is key to municipal service delivery and instrumental in the City’s ability to meet its corporate goals and objectives.

Finance Department

The Finance department is responsible for the municipal budget process, including the facilitation of operating and capital budgets set annually by council. The department also oversees the purchasing of goods and services, risk management, GIS services and asset management. Finance provides advice on fiscal, financial, accounting, purchasing, risk management and asset management matters to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and council on all statutory and operational matters affecting the finances of the City.

The Finance division is responsible for:

The Purchasing and Risk Management divisions are responsible for the procurement of goods and services, the sale of surplus goods, insurance, claims and risk management.

Purchasing is responsible for the procurement of all materials, supplies and contracts required by the City and administering all requests for tender and requests for proposals on the City’s behalf. 

Risk Management is responsible for the administration of the City’s insurance coverage, assisting other departments in mitigating claims risk, approving third party insurance certificates and the handling of all third party liability claims made against the City relating to personal injury or property damage.

The GIS division builds and maintains spatial datasets and applications and supports all City departments to assist with the management and access to spatial information. GIS manages a vast array of City data and applications relating to infrastructure, planning, transportation, parks, trails, communications, emergency services and property information. In addition to supporting City staff, the GIS department conducts GIS project work and offers online mapping applications to enhance the availability of information for the public and municipal business services.

Asset Management works with internal stakeholders in all departments to lead the development and ongoing maintenance of the City’s corporate asset management program, including: 

  • Maintaining the asset register and all data that relates to city infrastructure.
  • Finding efficiencies and improvements in systems and processes to optimzie the City’s infrastructure and investment priorities, facilitating this through project management and technology. 
  • Providing data analytics and reporting using various tools for all City departments and support finance with the long-term financial plan for the City.

Fire + emergency services department

The service is dedicated to providing the highest level of fire protection and emergency response. Through rigorous training, community involvement, and a commitment to excellence, the QWFES strives to enhance the community’s safety and well-being.

The City of Quinte West is committed to providing a safe community for all of its residents and offers the following protective services:

Human Resources

Human Resources is responsible for organization-wide training and development, labour relations, recruitment, performance management, succession management, wellness and safety. In addition, this division collaborates with the CAO, city council and committees on all legislation impacting the municipality, provides leadership in negotiating agreements and ensures that employee management relationships are effectively implemented and maintained. 

Planning + Development Services

The Planning + Development Services department assists and advises the public, land stakeholders, government agencies and council on matters related to land use planning, development and municipal bylaw enforcement.

Land use planning affects almost every aspect of life in Quinte West. It helps to determine the locations of homes, shopping facilities, industrial development, parks, schools and other essential services. 

Good planning encourages public participation and leads to orderly growth and the efficient provision of services and resources. 

The Planning Services department assists the public with proposals and applications for land development while ensuring that the Quinte West Official Plan and zoning bylaw are maintained. The department is responsible for the following services

Building Services maintains building standards and inspections according to the Ontario Building Code Act and municipal bylaws.

Building Services is responsible for: 

  • Processing building permit applications (building, demolition, plumbing, septic, etc.)
  • Conducting inspections for compliance with minimum health, life safety and structural sufficiency requirements as required in the Building Code Act
  • Investigating complaints related to unauthorized construction, unsafe conditions or buildings

Municipal bylaw and enforcement is responsible for enforcing the City’s zoning, parking, property standards, yard maintenance, littering, sign and noise bylaws.

Animal control in Quinte West is contracted to Quinte West Animal Control, which is responsible for enforcing the provisions of our dog licencing and control of animals (other than dogs) running at large bylaws. All complaints or concerns regarding domestic animals, including lost pets, stray animals, or nuisance pet complaints, should be directed to Quinte West Animal Control at 613-966-4483.

Public Works + Environmental Services Department

Public works and Environmental Services is responsible for the effective and efficient planning, engineering, maintenance, rehabilitation and operation of the municipal road system, parks and open space, solid waste management services, water treatment and supply, wastewater collection and treatment, stormwater management, development approvals, and general engineering services.

The Outdoor Operations division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of municipal roads, bridges, parks and open spaces, including pothole repairs, rural surface treatment, snow plowing and grass cutting operations, and more.

The Water/Wastewater division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sanitary sewage collection and treatment systems. This division supplies safe drinking water to residents across the municipality, oversees water testing and quality management and helps connect existing or future homes to the sanitary sewer system or the water supply system.

The Engineering division oversees the building and management of public infrastructure. This team is responsible for reviewing the design and construction of municipal and developer-initiated municipal servicing projects including sanitary and storm sewers, watermains, roads, sidewalks, drainage systems, lot grading and more.

Last Updated: 3 months ago

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