Purchasing – Bids and Tenders

Learn more about our procurement process and view contracts open for bidding, visit bids and tenders portal.

The procurement of all goods and services by the City of Quinte West is governed by the purchasing policy.

For support with Bids and Tenders for any of the following:

  • Viewing current bids
  • Setting up an account
  • Submitting a bid

Please email [email protected] or visit their vendor support portal

Purchasing principles

The City of Quinte West strives to purchase and supply the proper equipment, materials, supplies, and services when needed, with the right quality, the right quantity, at the right price, from the right source, and at the right time using a competitive process that is open, transparent, and fair to all. 

The City operates using a combination centralized/decentralized purchasing system. The anticipated dollar threshold of the spend dictates how pricing is obtained.  Opportunities to bid on purchases that are estimated to meet or exceed $75,000 are made available to the public through the use of the website quintewest.bidsandtenders.ca. Otherwise, each department has delegated authority to purchase in accordance with the requirements of the purchasing policy bylaw for spends less than this amount, and their appearance on this website is discretionary. 

Unless, in the opinion of the manager of purchasing and risk, the nature of the project is not conducive to receipt of bid submissions in a digital format through our bids and tender website, all bid opportunities will be both distributed from and delivered back through that platform. Unchecked and unconfirmed results of a competitive bid process are posted for public viewing without delay following the closing date and time. There are no public openings. Final results and award notices are publicized once the successful bidder’s determination has been established and contractual obligations have been fulfilled.

Providing a given spend can be awarded within the predetermined budget allocation, the department head has authority to award without further council approval.

Council may also waive the need for a formal bid opportunity  >$75,000 if circumstances dictate. Reasonable exceptions are provided within the City’s purchasing policy which can be found on the bylaw page.

This posting is a public notification that the Corporation of the City of Quinte West intends to participate in one or more procurements conducted by the following buying groups:

  1. OECM – Ontario Education Collaborative Marketplace – www.oecm.ca
  2. MGS – Ministry of Government Services – www.doingbusiness.mgs.gov.on.ca
  3. LAS – Local Authority Services – www.las.on.ca/groupbuying
  4. Mohawk Medbuy – https://sjhs-gpo.ca/content/capsource 


Important notice

Electronic bid documents are available for viewing or download from the bids and tenders. If you view a document without registering as a plantaker, there will be a watermark on the document. Those who wish to download the document for participation purposes in the bidding process MUST register as a PLANTAKER for the project to gain access to a non-marked file and participate further in the bidding process. 

Last Updated: 1 year ago

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