Zoning bylaw amendments

A zoning bylaw amendment is required if you wish to change a zone provision or permitted use of a property. Learn more about the application process, guidelines and applicable fees.

A zoning bylaw amendment is required if you wish to change a zone provision or permitted use of a property. Learn more about the application process, guidelines and applicable fees. 

Section 34 of the Ontario Planning Act gives city council the authority to adopt zoning bylaws in conformity with the Official Plan. Zoning bylaw amendments provide a way to change zoning regulations for individual properties. All rezoning applications must conform to the Official Plan and consider relevant provincial legislation, policies and guidelines. If the rezoning application is complex, an applicant may be required to submit additional information and supporting studies such as traffic, noise and/or vibration studies or an environmental impact assessment. 

Properties located within the Oak Lake drainage basin are required to submit a combined zoning bylaw amendment / “H” – holding removal/site plan control application.

Public notification:

The public has a right to comment on proposed zone amendments. Once an application has been deemed complete and has been scheduled for the legislated public meeting, public notification occurs via one or more of the following ways: 

  • Notice of application sent via prepaid first class mail to properties within 120m of the proposed change.
  • Posting a sign along the frontage of the subject lands.
  • Publishing of a notice of application in the local newspaper (as required).
  • Posting information of the proposed amendment on our website. 

Council has delegated the responsibility to conduct the public meetings as prescribed under the Ontario Planning Act to the Planning Advisory Committee.

Application process:

  1. Pre-consultation with planning staff before submitting your application is recommended. Please contact [email protected] to book an appointment to present the details of your proposed amendment. The application may be returned if incomplete or if no pre-consultation has occurred. 
  2. Complete zoning bylaw amendment application or the application form for properties located within the Oak Lake drainage basin zoning bylaw amendment / “H” – holding removal/site plan control.
  3. For additional information or to make an application to the planning advisory committee, call 613-392-2841, ext. 4907 or email [email protected].


See below for current City of Quinte West fees application fees. All fees must accompany applications at the time they are submitted. Planning applications that are deemed to be fully complete will be scheduled for the next available meeting within the timelines set out in the Ontario Planning Act. Dates are subject to change. 

Application type


Zoning bylaw amendment application to the current comprehensive zoning bylaw, including temporary uses. Fee includes Conservation Authority and Public Works review fees. 


Application for removal of holding symbol/provisions


Oak Lake drainage basin consolidated application for removal of holding symbol, zoning bylaw amendment and/or site plan control agreement.


Meeting dates:

Click here to learn more about upcoming meeting dates.


If you wish to appeal a zoning bylaw amendment decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT), download the appeal from the OLT website

Last Updated: 9 hours ago

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