Heritage alterations

If you live in a heritage property, you may require additional approvals for renovations. Find more information here.

Heritage conservation is legislated under the Ontario Heritage Act. The act requires a permit to make alterations that may change heritage features. 

The City of Quinte West is committed to supporting the preservation of its heritage. Council recognizes the importance of promoting and protecting the unique collection of historic properties and resources that make up Quinte West’s past. 

City council has formed a Heritage Advisory committee. This committee will be the heritage advisory resource in the development and review of planning policy and its impact on heritage preservation in the City Quinte West. 

Heritage advisory responsibilities:

The Committee, in its role as a Heritage advisory resource, is responsible for:

  • Establishing criteria for the evaluation of properties of cultural heritage value or interest;
  • preparing, evaluating, and maintaining a list of properties and areas worthy of conservation;
  • Advising Council on means of conserving heritage properties and locations, and available funding sources;
  • Advising Council on current heritage conservation legislation and assist council in the preparation of municipal legislation to conserve heritage properties areas;
  • Implementing programs and activities to increase public awareness and knowledge of heritage conservation issues;
  • Advising and assisting council on all mattress relating to Parts IV & V of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter O.18; and
  • Advising and assisting Council on any other matters related to properties or cultural heritage value or interest areas.

Properties with heritage designation

  • 72 Byron St.
  • 15 Dundas St. E
  • 65 Dundas St. W
  • 108 Henry St.
  • 55 King St.
  • 196 Victoria Ave.
  • Mount Pelion

Applying for a heritage permit

A heritage permit is required to make changes to properties designed under the Ontario Heritage Act. Properties can either be designed individually or within a heritage conservation district. There is no fee for heritage permits. 

The permit is needed when alterations are being made to a designed property. It ensures alterations complement the heritage attributes of the house and the neighbourhood. Heritage attributes include materials, details, spatial configurations, historical associations, and character-defining elements that collectively contribute to the property’s heritage value. 

Regular maintenance items such as replacing black roof shingles with black roof shingles are considered maintenance and do not require heritage approval. 

The first step is to contact the planning staff at [email protected] to determine if a permit is required and discuss what options may be considered for alterations that will meet heritage guidelines. 

The second step is to complete the heritage permit application. Applications that meet heritage guidelines and are minor can be reviewed and approved by planning staff.

If you do not receive approval through the City’s approval process, you may request that council consider the application.

Supporting documents:

Depending on the type of work proposed, supporting documents may be required. These documents can be determined through discussion with planning staff. Supporting documents could include: 

  • Drawings: architectural drawings should clearly show all proposed changes to the structure.
  • Site plans: showing existing and proposed structures and additions on many, setbacks from the front, rear and side lot lines, demolition of existing site features, and location of proposed site features. 
  • Photos: showing the property’s front and its main structure; nearby streetscapes and neighbouring properties; and any other relevant portions of the properties and structures.

Important information: 

  • If you are doing a more massive alteration to a designed property, it is recommended that you retain services from an experienced designer/architect/contractor who understands the heritage guidelines.
  • Approval of a heritage permit precedes any other municipal approval, including building permits, site plans and minor variances.


For further information, please call 613-392-2841 or email [email protected]. Additionally, you can speak to a representative at the customer service counter located on the second floor of City Hall. We’re open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

Last Updated: 2 years ago

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