Rural surface treatment

Learn more about the rural surface treatment process.

The City of Quinte West has many roads that have a ‘tar and chip’ surface treatment. This surface treatment method is also known as ‘chip seal.’ It is used on rural roads with low to medium volumes of traffic as a more cost-effective and durable alternative to asphalt paving. Tar and chip roads get resurfaced approximately every 7-10 years.

During and after the work has been completed, you can expect to see a higher than average dust amount. The contractor will begin by pulverizing the road. A layer of hot asphalt will be applied, followed by an even layer of angular aggregate stones rolled into place. These stones are further pushed into the asphalt tar by traffic on the road.

Once the work has been completed, we ask that you not sweep the street when the chip is still loose. Residents are also invited to reduce their speed when driving. This will help minimize the disturbance of the stones to ensure an even clean surface and reduce dust.

2023 Rural surface treatment 

View the list of roads scheduled to receive rural surface treatment in 2023 below. 

Last Updated: 2 years ago

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