Notice of study commencement: Northwest Trenton Water Capacity – Class Environmental Assessment

Northwest Trenton Water Capacity – Class Environmental Assessment

The City of Quinte West has identified the need for additional pressure and flow to support the water demands of future expansion in northwest Trenton. Currently, the primary transmission main to the northwest boundary of Trenton is a single 300mm watermain along Telephone Road.

A Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study has been initiated to determine a preferred solution that provides improved water services to the northwest of Trenton. Options for consideration include an additional transmission main, from a connection point on Highway 2, near Walmart, to Tate Road (see map). This option may require additional valve stations to achieve required pressures at the northwest boundary.

This project is being planned in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule “B” Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA). The Class EA process includes consultation with the public and review agencies, an evaluation of viable alternative solutions, an assessment of the impacts of the alternative solutions, identification of measures to mitigate any adverse impacts, and the selection of a preferred solution.

Public input into the planning and design of this project is encouraged. If you have any comments or questions regarding this project, or would like to receive further information, please send an email to one of the project contacts:

Matt Tracey, Manager Water & Wastewater Services
Public Works & Environmental Services
City of Quinte West, 7 Creswell Drive, PO Box 490, Trenton, ON K8V 5R6
T: (613) 392-2841 ext. 4482 | F: (613) 392-7151
Email: [email protected]

Tony Guerrera, P. Eng.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
1620 Wallbridge Loyalist Road, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
T: (613) 966-3068 | F: (613) 966-3087
Email: [email protected]

Last Updated: 2 years ago

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