Notice of study commencement: West End Trenton Trunk Sanitary Sewer – Class Environmental Assessment

West End Trenton Trunk Sanitary Sewer – Class Environmental Assessment 

The City of Quinte West is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study to identify, develop and implement a solution to address future capacity needs and existing sanitary sewer issues in the west end of Trenton. The study area for this Class EA is shown in the map below. The West End Trunk Sanitary Sewer services a large area that is projected to experience substantial growth. Therefore, this study is to ensure reliable sanitary service is provided to existing areas and future growth areas.

This project is being planned in accordance with the requirements for a Schedule B Municipal Class EA. The Class EA process includes consultation with the public and agencies, an evaluation of viable alternative solutions, an assessment of the impacts of the alternative solutions, identification of measures to mitigate any adverse impacts, and the selection of a preferred solution.

Public input into the planning and design of this project is encouraged at any time. One Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held to present the findings of the EA and to provide opportunity to give feedback to the project team. The PIC is planned for summer 2022. Once completed, the results of the EA Study will be published in a Project File and placed on public record for review. If you have any comments or questions regarding this project, or would like to receive further information, please send an email to the following project contacts:

Matt Tracey 
Manager of Water & Wastewater Services
Public Works and Environmental Services 
City of Quinte West, 7 Creswell Dr., PO Box 490
Trenton, ON, K8V 5R6
T: 613-392-2841 x4482 | F: 613-392-7151

Andrew Long, P.Eng.
Project Manager 
245 Consumers Rd., Suite 400
Toronto, ON, M2J 1R3
T: 437-780-2441

Last Updated: 12 months ago

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