Business Support Services

There are many resources available to help with your business growth or relocation. Find helpful links to various Quinte region business resources.

Business Development Bank of Canada

The Bank for Canadian entrepreneurs supporting small and medium-sized businesses in all industries and at every stage of growth with money and advice.

613-969-4009   |

Manufacturing Resource Centre

The Manufacturing Resource Centre (MRC) helps manufacturers enhance the local manufacturing workforce’s performance, improve access to programs and services, increase economic and workforce readiness, improve attraction and retention capabilities, and coordinate manufacturing labour activities.

613-966-0113  |

Quinte West Chamber of Commerce

A business organization dedicated to serving members through advocacy and providing services, and encouraging the economic and social development of Quinte West.

613-392-7635  |

Career Edge

Career Edge provides free Employment Ontario services for Youth and Adults. Whether you are looking for your job or you’re an employer needing service.

613-392-9157  |

Quinte Construction Association

A non-profit membership organization to better serve the construction industry’s needs in the Quinte and surrounding area.

613-962-2877  |

Small Business Centre

The Small Business Centre provides no-cost consultations to help entrepreneurs start their own business and grow existing businesses. Along with providing valuable workshops.

613-961-0590  |

Human Resources + Skills Development Canada

Employment and Social Development Canada works to improve the standard of living and quality of life for all Canadians by promoting a labour force that is highly skilled and promoting an efficient and inclusive labour market.

800-622-6232  |


Quinte Economic Development Commission

The Quinte Economic Development Commission (QEDC) is an incorporated not-for-profit corporation that is dedicated to the promotion of economic growth in its member municipalities, specifically the City of Quinte West, the Municipality of Brighton and the City of Belleville.

613-961-7990  |


Trenton Downtown Business Improvement Area

A legislated association of businesses that have joined together to promote, beautify, and improve downtown Trenton’s physical area.

613-394-4318  |

Loyalist Training and Knowledge Centre

The Loyalist Training and Knowledge Centre’s pledge is “Skills that WORK”, so that you, your people and your organization flourish. They are acutely aware of return on investment (ROI) and the goal of any investment—bottom line. Their best clients have a specific training need, either for management development or new skills for workers. They need responsiveness that goes beyond simply scheduling courses—to helping manage scheduling and obtain funding.

613-966-8121  |

Quinte Home Builders Association 

The Quinte Home Builders’ Association represents more than 140 member builders, suppliers, trade contractors, financial and service professionals in the Quinte Region.

613-970-2216  |

Trenval Business Development Corporation 

Trenval Business Development Corporation is a federally supported, not-for-profit Community Futures Development Corporation committed to developing and diversifying the local economy through community strategic planning, business information, counselling and investment in small businesses.

613-961-7999  |

Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board

The Bay of Quinte Regional Marketing Board works in partnership with the communities of Belleville, Brighton, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, Napanee, Quinte West and the Quinte Home Builders Association to market tourism and resident attraction.

613-968-4427 |

Last Updated: 2 years ago

Connect with the Economic Development Team

7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, ON K8V 5R6
Tel: 613-392-2841   •   [email protected]