Shop Local

The city’s shop smart, shop local, shop Quinte West initiatives support local businesses by promoting the benefits of shopping local to our residents.

Shop local initiatives support local partnerships, allow businesses the opportunity to participate, and help promote the benefits for shopping locally, including strengthening our job market and overall economic growth. 

The City of Quinte West believes that the unique character of our local community is defined in large by the businesses that reside within and it is those businesses that create charm, appeal and prosperity that help to attract new business and prospective residents to the Quinte West area. In support of this belief the City continues to adopt a variety of Shop Local promotional programs; offering a division of collaborative marketing tools including newsprint, radio, and digital marketing campaigns, to name of few.

The City’s Shop Local initiatives support local partnerships, allow businesses of all sizes the opportunity to participate via means of financial collaboration, as well as aid in promoting to our local residents the many benefits of shopping locally, including strengthening our job market and overall economic growth.

For more information on the Shop Local programs, please contact economic development and tourism services at 613-392-2841.

Love Your Local Quinte West logo

Follow us on social media as we share our love for local restaurants, retailers, manufacturers, wellness providers, farm stands, nurseries, natural attractions and so much more. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to win gift certificates or gifts from Quinte West businesses. 

Shop Smart, Shop Local, Shop Quinte West print and digital campaign

Shop Local Logo

Last Updated: 1 year ago

Connect with the Economic Development Team

7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, ON K8V 5R6
Tel: 613-392-2841   •   [email protected]