Industrial Lands Community Improvement Plan

The City of Quinte West is looking to attract new businesses to the area by implementing its new Industrial Land Community Improvement Plan (CIP). The first of its kind in Eastern Ontario is financial incentive programs to encourage industrial development.

The Quinte West Industrial Lands CIP is intended to stimulate private sector investment in targeted industrial areas in the City. Successful applicants will benefit from grants designed to help applicants reduce the costs associated with municipal property taxes. This program is open to new developments and existing businesses that expand on both municipally and privately owned industrial lands.

The City of Quinte West industrial lands community improvement plan (CIP) is intended to help stimulate private sector investment in the targeted City’s industrial areas in the provides financial incentive programs to encourage industrial development and redevelopment job growth economic vitality in the City. 

Tax increment equivalent grant

The CIP can provide successful applicants with a grant to stimulate investment in the new and existing businesses by reducing costs associated with increased property taxes from significant development, redevelopment and property improvements on industrial lands. 

Permit application fee grant

A grant to assist with the development/redevelopment projects on industrial lands via reducing the zoning bylaw amendment application fee or the Demolition Permit application fee. 

Contact for more information:

Linda Lisle | Manager of Economic Development & Tourism
City of Quinte West
613-392-2841, ext. 4477
[email protected]


Last Updated: 2 years ago

Connect with the Economic Development Team

7 Creswell Drive, Trenton, ON K8V 5R6
Tel: 613-392-2841   •   [email protected]