Report issues

Report common issues such as potholes or icy sidewalks

Use this form to report issues with City public works services. If your problem requires follow-up, you will be contacted within 1 to 3 business days. Responses are sent directly to the service area responsible for the issue selected. The city staff takes all responses as information.

If you would like to make a bylaw complaint, please visit Bylaws + Enforcement

  • This includes water/sewer issues or anything else that requires attention within 24 hours
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, gif, pdf, Max. file size: 98 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

    Report an issue by phone

    Find phone numbers to report issues or contact a service area. Non-urgent issues can be reported using our online form above. 

    Report an issue by phone


    Monday to Friday,
    8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    All other times
    Illegal parking 613-392-2841
    Noise complaints 613-392-2841
    Water or sewer problems613-392-2841 x 4901613-392-2841
    Downed trees613-392-2841 x 4912613-392-2841
    Road, sidewalk and trail issues613-392-2841 x 4912613-392-2841
    Other issues613-392-2841613-392-2841

    Call a customer service line

    These numbers have dedicated customer service staff during business hours. Check our corporate directory for a full list of phone numbers. 

    Service area

    Monday to Friday, 
    8:30 am to 4:30 pm

    Tax billing and accounts613-392-2841 x 4902
    Water billing and accounts613-392-2841 x 4909
    Planning and zoning613-392-2841 x 4907
    Building services613-392-2841 x 4904
    Bylaw and licensing613-392-2841 x 4905
    Marriages, oaths and city clerk613-392-2841 x 4429
    Mayor’s office613-392-2841 x 4431
    General inquiries 613-392-2841
    Public Works613-392-2841 x 4912

    Emergency, power outages and animal control

    Full corporate directory

    For a complete listing of phone numbers for elected officials, city departments and facilities, check our corporate directory.

    Last Updated: 3 years ago

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