Community grants

Apply for a community grant and find eligibility guidelines and deadlines.

Quinte West community grants fund programs available to organizations and non-profit associations to maintain and enhance the quality of life for its residents, developing a healthy and sustainable community, promoting citizen participation and volunteerism, and responding to community needs and interests.

Community fund grant 

 The community fund is a grant given to organizations and non-profit associations in the maximum total of $5,000 in any year. The main objectives of the grant are to promote:

  • Health and wellness of the local community
  • Arts and culture
  • Youth initiatives 
  • Seniors initiatives 
  • Safety
  • Economic growth and stimulus within the local economy
  • Community development and special events

It is important to note that any organization applying for a grant who may need a City of Quinte West facility or park should request fee waivers to use these facilities as they could be entitled to rental fees waived up to a maximum of $5,000 one year. If an organization receives the full $5,000 through the grant process, they will be ineligible for any fee waivers during the funding year. The corporate and financial services committee and council may assist with other objectives from time to time as they seem fit. 

Apply here

The grant committee will consider the following when evaluating funds; however, it is for assistance only. It is not intended to be limiting or the only criteria used for its determinations by the committee or council. 

  • The benefits provided to residents
  • Statistics of participation (area, target group served, number of local clients)
  • Evidence of service needs in the uniqueness of service provided (responsiveness to the community)
  • Area of interest of promotion (i.e. arts and culture, sports and recreation, youth, etc.)
  • Continued sustainability of program and service (legacy)
  • Accountability and history of the group or organization requesting assistance (financial, effectiveness, quality of management)
  • Financial resources, evidence of need, other funders involved, stakeholders in the community
  • Testimonials of clients and/or participants as to value or need for program or service
  • Equity and accessibility to participants
  • Innovation, community pride, enhanced community profile as anticipated results of providing the assistance
  • Each organization can only make one application per year.
  • If the organization receives funding from the City through the economic development fund, then the organization is not eligible for funding under this program.
  • Only organizaotions can make the application; no requests made by individuals will be accepted. 
  • The applicant must provide a listing of the officers of the organization.

The fund’s primary purpose is to provide funds for one-time and/or ongoing operating expenses; preference will be given to an application for one-time and project-related expenses.

Granting financial assistance in any one year by the committee, and council is not regarded as a commitment by the City of Quinte West to continue such financial aid in future years. 

The committee and council are not obligated to allocate funds to any organization, group or event, even though they satisfy the eligibility criteria and meet all of the grant’s objectives. 

Eligible groups include:

  • Volunteer and non-for-profit groups
  • Projects that need one-time funding, not capital funding
  • Projects that can be completed within one year
  • Operating funding requests that include:
    • Rent, insurance, supplies and equipment 
    • Maintenance
    • Employee salaries
    • Programs and services 
    • Volunteer recruitment
    • Recognition, training and screening

To be considered for the 2024 Funding, the grant committee will only consider an application that is complete, fits the funding category, includes all required information and meets the deadline of Sept. 30 at 4:30 p.m. Any application received after this time will be rejected and not considered. If you’re applying for project funding, you’re required to submit a final report before applying for any future grants. 

Community groups and organizations requesting grant funding from the City of Quinte West must complete the attached application. The applicant will be notified of the committee’s meeting date to attend and answer any questions the committee may have. 

The corporate and financial services committee will consider applications received for community funding up to Sept. 30. Applications received after 4:30 p.m. on Sept. 30 will be rejected and not considered by the corporate and financial services committee. The committee may or may not fund the budget allocation limit at its discretion. The budget allocation is an estimate and does not require the committee to fund up to the amount, nor does it limit the committee in assisting as it deems advisable. 

  • Recognition of the City’s grant must be given on promotional materials or at the event.  
  • The City’s logo must be placed on all promotional materials. 
  • Cheques can only be made out to organizations. No cheques will be made payable to individuals.  
  • Any unspent funds at the end of the project must be returned to the City of Quinte West.  
  • Within one year of the City’s receipt of funds, or before a new grant application can be submitted, the successful applicant must comply with the following: 
    • Provide the director of corporate and financial services with an unaudited financial statement showing all revenues and expenditures for the related project  
    • Also, a written report outlining the following:  
      • Project title  
      • Total number of participants  
      • Total number of Quinte West resident participants  
      • How the objectives outlined in the original application were achieved  
      • Any photos or testimonials would be an asset to the report.  

Failure to submit the report and or meet any of the grant conditions outlined above will result in the organization being ineligible to apply for funding in future years. Any approved funds may be withheld until such time the above conditions are met.

Thank you for your interest in the community fund grant application. The application has closed and will re-open in 2023. 

For more information on the community fund grant, read the full policy or email

Last Updated: 9 months ago

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